GPS Fleet Management Solution Provider Gaikham Adopts Odoo Field Service Over Standalone App

Гайхам ХХК

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Odoo Users: 24

Industry: IT/Technology

Аппликешн: Захиалга, Нягтлан бодох бүртгэл, Борлуулалт, Бараа материал, Худалдан авалт, Хээрийн үйлчилгээ, Төсөл, Цагийн хуудас болон бусад

Implementation Timeline: 6 Months

Hosting Type: On-premise

Established in 2009, Gaikham Established in 2009, Gaikham is a service provider offering GPS fleet management and vehicle tracking systems compatible with cellular and satellite networks, accompanying accessories, and monitoring software. These systems enable seamless remote control and monitoring of various vehicles and heavy machinery 24/7.

Serving a diverse clientele in Mongolia, Gaikham has helped over 500 customers across industries, including trading, transportation, mining, construction, and energy, to reduce costs, enhance performance, and improve safety standards.

Incompetent Spreadsheets

Before Odoo, the service provider relied on multiple Excel spreadsheets to manage its CRM, sales, and invoices.

Gaikham used to import all registered tracking devices generated on Navixy, a GPS tracking platform, into an Excel spreadsheet to record the number of products and total them. Moreover, the company kept all customer profiles on a separate spreadsheet, including contract durations, purchase history, devices in use, and follow-up maintenance service.

The team had to spend valuable time gathering details from both spreadsheets each time they issued invoices and generated annual reports.

Paper-based Operations

Because of the absence of competent data documenting and cataloging practices, operations in Gaikham depended primarily on printed contracts and manual effort.

One of the most time-consuming tasks was maintenance project management. Gaikham's customers were required to file a physical report detailing the maintenance activities needed, the GPS device number, and other necessary details. After receiving this, the company would log details into the product maintenance and CRM spreadsheets.

Within the company, the team had to generate two copies of the same project note for customers and internal use to run through the tiers in sales and tech teams to complete every installation project. Upon fulfillment, technicians would have to submit a completion certificate, which took the finance team up to 7 days to receive, depending on the scale and location of the project.

Odoo-г ашигласнаар хэрэглэгчийн профайл, гэрээний хугацаа, худалдан авалтын түүх, идэвхтэй болон идэвхгүй төхөөрөмжийн тоо, төлөгдөөгүй авлага, харилцагч бүрт үзүүлж буй засвар үйлчилгээний үйлчилгээ зэрэгт хандахад хялбар болсон.

Орон нутгийн Odoo түнш CoreMind-ийн тусламжтайгаар Gaikham захиалгад суурилсан бизнесээ жигд, үр дүнтэй удирдах хэв маягийг хөнгөвчлөхийн тулд санхүүгийн модулийн Odoo захиалга, борлуулалт, CRM болон бусад апп-уудыг хэрэгжүүлсэн.


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Customer subscription receipt via the customer Portal.

On Odoo, Gaikham's customers can submit maintenance requests via the customer portal. The integrated Odoo system will automatically create a sale order with Odoo Sales with all project details, such as the devices acting up and other requirements, attached to the respective customer profile on Odoo CRM and Subscriptions. This saves much time and manual effort on data entry and cross-team communication.  

With the utilization of the Odoo, accessing customer profiles, contract durations, purchase history, active and inactive device counts, outstanding receivables, and maintenance services provided to each customer has become effortless.

Gaikham LLC

CoreMind ХХК


On the backend, the team can immediately react to the new sale and simultaneously create invoices and new tasks while viewing credit notes by branching out to different Odoo apps from the same sale order, achieving effective communication across departments.

Effortless Field Service

With the implementation of the field service module, job reports are now promptly received remotely, eliminating delays.

Gaikham LLC

In the next phase of implementation, Gaikham added the Field Service, Timesheet, and Project apps to the management suite, boosting both operation efficiency and service delivery.

Once the installation and maintenance projects are qualified, it is automated on the Field Service app in which the team can generate repair reports in clicks. From here, managers can assign tasks to suitable team members according to their schedule, location, and area of expertise by planning them under Gantt, calendar, or map view to enhance organization within the team.

Available on mobile devices, team members can easily check and plan their work schedules anywhere at any time. This function also enables Gaikham to take up urgent projects immediately to support their stellar service at all times.

The Field Service app has helped Gaikham to save time on internal communications and service delivery, as job reports are now synchronized on all internal apps—Sales, Subscriptions, CRM, Project, to name a few—and customer portal in real-time once an assignment is done, optimizing service delivery while saving time and manual effort on processing paper documents and communication.

Centralizing and digitizing sales, subscription, project, and service management on Odoo, Gaikham experiences increased productivity and efficiency to provide prompt service support, which is vital to maintaining trust and a healthy customer relationship in the long run.


Gaikham LLC

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